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Pronouns English Grammar Worksheets Information Activity Revision Adult Learner High School

Pronouns English Grammar Worksheets Information Activity Revision Adult Learner High School

1 x Information sheet with quick activities to introduce the basic concept of pronouns. 1 x Worksheet with several quick tasks. 1 x Revision / Recap worksheet with questions and tasks. 1 x Grid with pronouns for students / teachers to cut out - can be used as a flip book or teacher can ask questions and students hold up the word to answer. Created for high school / adult learners / Functional Skills students as a refresher / revision.
Presentation and Answering Questions Skills Group Work Reflection Log Tips GCSE English Language

Presentation and Answering Questions Skills Group Work Reflection Log Tips GCSE English Language

1 x Giving a good presentation tips sheet - includes good practical advice. 1 x Blank presentation reflection log - students can reflect on what was good and what needs improvement and write down actionable ideas to improve their presentation. Space for teacher feedback too. 1 x group work sheet with 2 tasks (one for working in pairs and one for larger or whole class discussion). Created for GCSE students preparing for Speaking Exam.
Email Writing Planning Information Worksheets Tasks Functional Skills

Email Writing Planning Information Worksheets Tasks Functional Skills

1 x Email Do’s and Dont’s - ideal for introducing the way to write formal emails. 1 x Email subject lines information and worksheet - includes information about what subject lines should be like and tasks for students to put that into practice. Great for learning to evaluate own writing too. 1 x blank email template plan. 1 x email checklist example - students can see one way to plan their writing.
Word Class Worksheets Tasks Refresher Adult Learner Functional Skills English Grammar

Word Class Worksheets Tasks Refresher Adult Learner Functional Skills English Grammar

Four worksheets / activities to refresh or recap word classes. Created for adult learners / Functional Skills students but can be used for all ages. 1 x word class table with definition and examples - I have students colour-code the groups. 1 x cut out word class terms - I use with groups of students, after cutting out I ask questions and students hold up the word to answer. 1 x Quick quiz - students circle the answer in a given sentence. 1 x Matching words to the word class.
Email Writing Formal Writing Worksheets Sample Emails Functional Skills

Email Writing Formal Writing Worksheets Sample Emails Functional Skills

1 x Sample email - great for getting students to proofread, evaluate and amend formal emails. 1 x Sheet with 2 versions of the same email - ideal for students to compare a well-written formal email and a poorly written email. 1 x Email writing task - students have information and are asked to write an email using that information. Great for preparing for exams.
Formal Email Writing Functional Skills

Formal Email Writing Functional Skills

5 Resources
Several resources with everything students need to write formal emails. Basic information for all areas of an email and plenty of tasks with examples. Great for encouraging students to proofread and evaluate writing whilst learning what is required for formal emails.
Email Writing Worksheets Information Tasks Introduction Main Body Conclusion Functional Skills

Email Writing Worksheets Information Tasks Introduction Main Body Conclusion Functional Skills

1 x Opening paragraphs sheet - gives basic information and tasks. 1 x Improving opening paragraphs task - students are encouraged to improve given examples. Great for learning to evaluate and proofread own work. 1 x Main paragraphs worksheet - giving basic information and includes tasks. 1 x Conclusions - gives basic information about what a conclusion should include. 1 x ConclusionTasks - students improve given examples. Created for Functional Skills students.
Romeo and Juliet Prologue 1 Act 1 Opening Worksheets Modern Meaning Analysis GCSE

Romeo and Juliet Prologue 1 Act 1 Opening Worksheets Modern Meaning Analysis GCSE

1 x Original version with modern version - to help students understand what is being said in the prologue. 1 x Original version with modern version with definition of prologue and chorus, the purpose of the prologue and questions for students to consider about the prologue - great for encouraging students to start analysing the play. 1 x meaning match task - students match the parts of the original text to modern versions - used to help understanding. Includes answer sheet.
Fact v Opinion Worksheets Tasks Functional Skills

Fact v Opinion Worksheets Tasks Functional Skills

1 x Fact v. Opinion Introduction - students write their own definitions of fact and opinion and complete tasks to identify facts and opinions. 1 x Sentence worksheet - students identify fact and opinion in single sentences. 1 x Paragraph worksheet - students identify the fact and opinion in paragraphs. A good follow on exercise from the sentence worksheet. Created for Functional Skills students but can be used for Primary school or recap for high school students.
Answering Exam Essay Assignment Questions Academic Writing Tasks GCSE A-Level

Answering Exam Essay Assignment Questions Academic Writing Tasks GCSE A-Level

Improve academic writing. 1 x Exam / Essay Question Key Terms including what is expected in an answer. 1 x Tips on answering the question throughout the answer. 2 x Answering the question tasks - students evaluate examples, learning what is effective when answering a question. Created for A-Level students but suitable for GCSE. Great for any subject where an essay response is needed.
Academic Writing Concise and Confident Writing Info Worksheets Tasks Improve Essays A Level GCSE

Academic Writing Concise and Confident Writing Info Worksheets Tasks Improve Essays A Level GCSE

1 x Information sheet explaining concise writing and containing practical tips. 1 x Concise writing worksheet - students are given sentences that they have to rewrite. Great to improve academic writing and practice proofreading. Includes answer sheet. 1 x Writing confidently info sheet / worksheet - gives brief info about writing confidently and includes a task where students evaluate examples of writing. Created for A-Level students but would also be suitable for GCSE students too.